Monday, May 12, 2014

Last Round of It All

            With only two weeks left as a St. Mary's student, the last events of the year pass by as quickly as ever. Our last SADD (students against destructive decisions) assembly, which consisted of the awe-inspiring Jake French telling us his story. After a playful incident with an intoxicated friend, Jake left the situation a quadriplegic. His motivational speech about making good choices reminded the student body of how precious life is. That weekend was prom, where girls were decked out in beautiful dresses and dancing the night away at the Scottish Rite Center. After all of the stress the schoolwork had brought this year, we celebrated our accomplishments on the dance floor with our closest friends. Next was the lovely National Honors Society induction ceremony where I received my golden stole for the special day (graduation!). And this past week has been the SMA arts or SMArts celebration. Dance club had its annual Dancing with the SMArs charity event where we raised money for p:ear, an organization that builds positive relationships with homeless and transitional youth through education, art and recreation. We held a very successful bake sale in the morning and had a lunch time event to see SMA students perform self choreographed pieces for admission of $1. Collectively we raised $155 throughout the day, celebrating the power of the arts in making a difference in our local community. And lastly there is the spring concerts this week, the dance and orchestra concert featuring our brilliant dancers and musicians and the choir concert featuring the talented Marian's, concert choir, and the show choir and a capella class. It has been a busy time, filled with "lasts" of all kinds. Last time performing in front of the school, last school dance, last practice, last charity event and so forth. I have been incredibly lucky to be involved with such amazing programs, and I would never have dreamed of the opportunities of leadership I have been provided. It's a  bittersweet time of lasts - with firsts to look forward to in the future. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Appreciation All Around

This past week the St. Mary's community was able to learn about the poverty that so much of the world suffers from and trying to make a change, while celebrating the blessings we have over Easter weekend. Last wednesday was Poverty Awareness day, a yearly event where approximately 200 dedicated and bright students host a day to promote awareness and solutions for global social and political problems. The theme this year was healthcare, and the many branches of issues that fall within that category. Students attended two sessions to learn about certain difficulties faced or programs of aid worldwide. I learned about the Atma Foundation where I was inspired by the influence of a single woman and her family. I was educated more about the Philippines relief, discussing natural disasters that have devastated several countries just in the past few years. As a school we then watched a documentary about the problem of fistulas for women in Ethiopia who cannot afford proper medical care, and a hospital facility that specializes in fistula repair without any financial charges. Additionally we heard a talk from a female medical care provider who traveled to countries like Tanzania for the sake of trying to improve their present healthcare status. By the end of the day money is raised for several foundations, and the whole school is educated on issues that some of us may not have even known existed. The emphasis on social justice at St. Mary's remains present especially for events like this one. 

Additionally this past week I celebrated Passover with my mother and father for the first time without my siblings or friends. I realized that no matter how many people are at the table I still enjoy the meaningful traditions. I ate matza several times a day for days, coming up with creative ways to incorporate it into my meals. While some friends hunted for Easter eggs, others looked for the afikomen. And overall, this festive week was one to remember.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

So Long Winter, Hello Spring!

The winter recognition assembly was one of appreciation and admiration for our schools athletes, writers and mock trial participants. Flower petals scattered the floor and the sound of clapping filled the room while our accomplished students stood tall. performed two of our four numbers with our new black sweatshirts, and the students fed off the energy and fun choreography. The ski teams, basketball, swimming, mock trial and more were all honored with titles of excellence because of their outstanding work this past winter. St. Mary's celebrated our feats as a community, like we always do three times a year.

Spring Break 2014 was the last spring break of my high school career! I spent the week with my parents and sister in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, visiting cousins and going to multiple baseball games. Getting some much needed time in the sun I returned to school ready to successfully finish out the year. Only 2 more months and yet there is so much to do! Spring concerts, SMA arts week, prom, senior retreat - I definitely have a lot to look forward to this April and May. I know the time will fly by, so all I can do is enjoy my last remaining months at the school that has been made my home.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Strong women, you say?

Last week, Annette Holgado became St. Mary's Rose Festival Princess. After having her in my TA for four years, I was so pleased to see such a kind, elegant, intelligent and funny young woman represent the students of St. Mary's in the Rose Festival. It will be sad to see her go early, given that with all of her duties as Princess she must graduate early, but she deserves to have a wonderful time on her journey in May. I have known Annette for a long time, and I want to commend her for her outstanding presence and cunning personality, and wish her well the next few months.

The International Woman's Day assembly touched my heart. It opened with students discussing the cultures of their families, and women within their culture/home country that they admire. Students praised women for their political, social and economic achievements around the world, recognizing the importance of women in global communities. The main speaker of the assembly, a Lutheran mother of a freshman at the school, discussed figures ranging from Esther in the Old Testament to Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan. She related modern and aged stories of the strength of women, commenting on the lack of dialogue about important women in our history and sacred works. Her discourse on strong women accomplishing feats not receiving worthy recognition reached every person in the auditorium. The assembly was wrapped up with a beautiful dance performance by our contemporary dance group, ending a powerful hour for everyone involved. It was very well put together on behalf of Mrs. Salvi and made for a very impactful assembly. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

SMAlentine's & Doernbecher Week

       The week of February 14th was a special one. Ladies writing valentines to one another, buying assortments of candy for friends, finding spare pennies around the house, and digging for clothes to suit the daily Doernbecher week attire. It was a conflicting time: exchanging gestures of love and appreciation with your fellow students while also doing your best to defeat the other classes in Doernbecher week. But really, what could be more fun? Doernbecher week is an amazing time where St. Mary's incorporates a spirit week with raising money for several charities. Every year has a new theme, this years being Portlandia (keep portland weird day, lumberjack day, as Portlanders we know what to do). While dressing up to win points for your class everyday there are also daily lunch events, like Doernbecher idol and dodgeball. The school was on their toes when witnessing the nail biting event of the last round of dodgeball, one math teacher standing alone battling it out with several sophomores. And throughout all the madness of Doernbecher week, we bring in all of our change to donate to the charities, pennies being points added to a class, silver change, cash and checks serving as points deducted from a class. Despite all the frantic fun that this week brought, the charities chosen are wonderful foundations that provide services to various groups of people. Doernbecher Children's Hospital with its phenomenal care and treatments, Gales Creek Camp with a supportive environment for children with diabetes, and FINCA with its outstanding economic support and services for women in underdeveloped countries. Having the opportunity to spend a week participating in fun events while donating to good causes is one of the reasons SMA is such a special place to be. 
        Alongside all of the Doernbecher week madness, on friday the seniors sported our proud color red while delivering valentines and sharing words of love. Whether the seniors win Doernbecher week or not, we enjoyed the time together so much and have loved the spirit that goes along with it every year. After four years we've learned the benefits of communicating our love for one another, making our community stronger and sweeter for everyone involved. With boxes of chocolate and roses to give to our fellow sisters also came words of encouragement and hugs of love to make Valentines day 2014 a great one. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Second Semester Already?

       In the past 168 hours I have taken 7 finals, attended two winter formals and napped for almost an entire day. Studying absorbed my existence for five days which consisted of lighting candles, eating microwaveable burritos and creating hundreds of notecards. And believe or not it all payed off! Finals is the most stressful week of the year, but now that it is over I am embracing second semester with open arms. I loved the fact that after sitting in my bed for a week thinking about emulsification, the reign of James I and my thesis for my in class essay, I could dance it all out at Lincoln's and St. Mary's winter formal. One dance with my boyfriend and one with my SMA ladies - it was a perfect way end to a difficult week. I got ready with my friends before Winter Formal, and had a wonderful dinner at my friends house. After the dance we all watched Bridesmaids and joked around eating sweets, talking about the events of the preceding week. And now, finally, I am a second semester senior! 
        Today I started the first day of my second semester as a senior at St. Mary's Academy. My new classes, Government and Psychology, were really interesting and I'm excited to learn a lot the next few months about these topics. I have my junior year history teacher again who I absolutely love, and am thrilled to have a senior privilege block where I have free time to either catch up on sleep or homework. I feel really positive about this semester, even though I am worried about my motivation. Being in college already, I might have trouble focusing on the work at hand. However, I think I will make the best of my last semester here at SMA and enjoy my friends, family, and schoolwork while I can. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Exams, Exams, Exams

          Next week will (hopefully) be my last full week of finals as a high school student at St. Mary's Academy. And despite my love for this school, life will surely be less stressful when finals are over. With seven tests over four days, you could say I'm taking every precaution to get myself ready. Lighting candles in my room everyday, pulling out the twinkly lights, and organizing my old study notes - I'm ready for anything. 
         What is motivating me is the looming deadline of graduation, and Winter Semi Formal the weekend after finals. Graduation of course has been hanging over all of the seniors heads since the first day of school, somehow acting simultaneously as an incentive to do well for the last few months of high school and as a factor of procrastination for getting daily work done. But Winter Formal is there just for fun. I've only ever been to SMA prom, so Formal will be a new venture for me, and this time I decided to go stag with my closest friends. Even though the seniors are stuck in a period of time where they don't know whether to cry about their ending high school career or cheer for the experiences to come, all I can say is we are enjoying it while it lasts.