Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Second Semester Already?

       In the past 168 hours I have taken 7 finals, attended two winter formals and napped for almost an entire day. Studying absorbed my existence for five days which consisted of lighting candles, eating microwaveable burritos and creating hundreds of notecards. And believe or not it all payed off! Finals is the most stressful week of the year, but now that it is over I am embracing second semester with open arms. I loved the fact that after sitting in my bed for a week thinking about emulsification, the reign of James I and my thesis for my in class essay, I could dance it all out at Lincoln's and St. Mary's winter formal. One dance with my boyfriend and one with my SMA ladies - it was a perfect way end to a difficult week. I got ready with my friends before Winter Formal, and had a wonderful dinner at my friends house. After the dance we all watched Bridesmaids and joked around eating sweets, talking about the events of the preceding week. And now, finally, I am a second semester senior! 
        Today I started the first day of my second semester as a senior at St. Mary's Academy. My new classes, Government and Psychology, were really interesting and I'm excited to learn a lot the next few months about these topics. I have my junior year history teacher again who I absolutely love, and am thrilled to have a senior privilege block where I have free time to either catch up on sleep or homework. I feel really positive about this semester, even though I am worried about my motivation. Being in college already, I might have trouble focusing on the work at hand. However, I think I will make the best of my last semester here at SMA and enjoy my friends, family, and schoolwork while I can. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Exams, Exams, Exams

          Next week will (hopefully) be my last full week of finals as a high school student at St. Mary's Academy. And despite my love for this school, life will surely be less stressful when finals are over. With seven tests over four days, you could say I'm taking every precaution to get myself ready. Lighting candles in my room everyday, pulling out the twinkly lights, and organizing my old study notes - I'm ready for anything. 
         What is motivating me is the looming deadline of graduation, and Winter Semi Formal the weekend after finals. Graduation of course has been hanging over all of the seniors heads since the first day of school, somehow acting simultaneously as an incentive to do well for the last few months of high school and as a factor of procrastination for getting daily work done. But Winter Formal is there just for fun. I've only ever been to SMA prom, so Formal will be a new venture for me, and this time I decided to go stag with my closest friends. Even though the seniors are stuck in a period of time where they don't know whether to cry about their ending high school career or cheer for the experiences to come, all I can say is we are enjoying it while it lasts.